
Pisma zahvalnosti / Appreciation Letters

U nastavku možete pročitati neka od mnogobrojnih pisama zahvalnosti koja su nam pristigla na mail za nedavno održani Radiološki kongres u Sarajevu.

“Dear Deniz Bulja and Sandra Vegar-Zubovic, it was an honor for me to partecipate to your high level congress. I want to congratulate also for the perfect organization. Thank you again for your invitation.” – Elena De Ponti

“Poštovani Sandra i Deniz, Još jednom veliko Hvala na pozivu i gostoprimstvu tijekom kongresa u Sarajevu, komplimenti; veselim se budućem druženju, Srdačan pozdrav” – Goran Roić

“Drage kolege, Čestitam na izvrsno sprovedenom kongresu! Srdačan pozdrav” – Aida Kapic Lunder

“Dear colleagues, I would herewith like to congratulate you on the successful organization and realization of this important regional event in the field of radiology. I was both very glad to participate and challenged to exchange new ideas and present the best evidence-based facts regarding the up-to-date topics in my field of research – breast MRI / cancer imaging. I strongly believe this event would lead to future cooperation in the field of radiology, medicine and science in the region. It was nice being in Sarajevo again, surrounded by friends and colleagues!” Mirjan Nadrljanski

“Iskrene čestitke na uspješno organizovanom Kongresu radiologa i hvala jos jedanput na pozivu. Srdačan pozdrav” – Mihra Taljanovic

“Poštovani  i dragi prijatelji, Zadovoljstvo mi je bilo biti dio vašeg izrazito uspješnog,  kvalitetnog  i vrhunski organiziranog Kongresa. Hvala što ste mi to omogućili. S poštovanjem”- Igor Borić

“Dear Drs. Bulja and Vegar-Zubovic, Thank you for your message and your great hospitality. I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Congress of Radiology 2017 and the social events that went alongside in the great city of Sarajevo. My best regards” – Ustun Aydingoz

“Dear Denis, Sandra and all colleagues, It was a real pleasure to be with all of you in this magnificent Congress!!! The Scientific Program was superb and very interesting. I also had enjoyed the Social Program. It made me to be with all of you and enjoy to chat and dans in a relaxing enviorement. I enjoyed very much to share the nice meals with all of you. You have a beautiful country with a very nice scenery with this big mountains and pleasant valles!!!! Thank you so much for your nice invitation and all your kidness. Best regards” – Pilar Garcia Peña